Activating Genozip when offline
When activating Genozip, Genozip sends the activation information to the Genozip server, which is running on Google. This will fail if your machine is not connected to the Internet, or if Google is blocked. In this case, consider the following work-arounds:
How to activate Genozip on a computer which is not connected to the Internet
1. Activate Genozip on another computer, which is Internet-connected:
genozip --activate
âž” The license file located at ~/.genozip_license.v71 on Linux and Mac and %APPDATA%\genozip\.genozip_license.v71 on Windows. Note that the file name begins with a ".".
2. Copy the license file to the target computer at this ↑↑↑ location
Tip: You can copy the license file from a Windows/Mac laptop to a Linux machine.
Note: For a student license it is required that your user name (login name) is the same on both machine.​​​
How to activate Genozip if Google is blocked (e.g. in China)
Send us your license key to support@genozip.com for help. Important: You must send us this email from your registered email address (i.e. not from gmail, qq etc).
Questions? email support@genozip.com for help.